Poor quality data costs organisations large amounts of money every year through:
Our Data Healthcheck helps companies ensure their marketing databases are fit for purpose and in shape to deliver improved returns on marketing investment.
The Experian Data Healthcheck compares an organisation’s customer and prospect records against our own data sources to reveal how accurate, complete, consistent and compliant a business’ records are.
The Data Healthcheck will help you highlight areas for improvement in the current state of your data, improve your ROI and understand the potential uplift in revenue that can be achieved from your current records and help you gain executive buy-in for your business case for the data related project by presenting the facts. You can then understand what your contact data priorities are, from the data itself to the processes you have to manage it.
Read our Data Healthcheck guide to find out how you can get valuable insight into the quality of your data and a comprehensive report tailored to your requirements.