Can you trust that the contact data you hold on your customers and prospects is accurate and up to date?

Today’s smart validation solutions can help you verify your customers’ phone, email and address details. They also hook into your existing CRM and ERP systems to make the process painless and quick. Find out more using the links below. Whatever your problem, Experian is here to help. Find out how our products and services can help you validate contact details and ensure the data you capture is accurate.

Email validation

Email remains a powerful messaging tool, but sometimes customers accidentally fill in the wrong details, or scammers try to flood your lists with fake sign-ups to harm your reputation. Tools like Experian’s Email Validation can verify addresses as they’re entered, suggesting corrections for invalid entries. They also check that email addresses are genuine, which reduces bounce rates and the chance of your emails being blocked as spam.

Young woman validating her email on her mobile phone

Further reading on email validation

Get in touch

We can tailor our email validation solutions to meet your business needs. Let's talk.

Address validation

How can you ensure that the postal addresses you collect and store are genuine, valid and accurate? The answer is to look for solutions that can perform speedy validation in real-time using authoritative sources. On top of that, make sure they deliver consistent reference data for use in real-time or one-off bulk scenarios. Finally, look at their bulk data validation capabilities. Can they handle both your own records during routine data cleansing operations as well as any data you feed into your organisation from outside sources?

Woman validating customer addresses over the phone

Further reading on address validation

Get in touch

We can tailor our address validation solutions to meet your business needs. Let's talk.

Mobile and phone validation

SMS and the traditional phone call remain two very effective ways of engaging with customers, so it’s important the phone numbers attached to your users are vetted to confirm they’re active and valid. Here we show you how to avoid a time-consuming, costly manual process with the aid of automated – and reliable – verification systems.

Man validating his phone number on his mobile phone

Further reading on phone and data validation

Get in touch

We can tailor our mobile and phone validation solutions to meet your business needs. Let's talk.

Integrate checks into your CRM and ERP systems

Small mistakes can have a big knock-on effect when it comes to your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems. If you’re still inputting important contact details manually, it’s time to consider a different approach – one that integrates with your current systems to capture accurate contact data at point of entry, plus perform ongoing checks to ensure those records remain accurate, up to date and compliant with regulations.

Woman smiling while using her mobile phone

Further reading on data integration

Get in touch

We can tailor our data integration solutions to meet your business needs. Let's talk.

More on enhanced quality of data

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