Make smarter hiring decisions with verified candidate insights

Reduce risk by screening for fraud, criminal history, and employment credentials

Speed up recruitment with efficient checks

Get the data you need to safeguard your business. Choose the right option for your business below.

From £300 (ex VAT @ 20%) per year for 25 checks

Right to Work Checks

Great for
Those needing to confirm their candidate can work legally in the UK.


  • Access via a digital app
  • Enables remote and face-to-face checks
  • Web portal for control and visibility

£59.99 (inc VAT) per check

Pay As You Go Background Checks

Great for
Those needing less than 10 checks a year.


  • Basic criminal record check (DBS)
  • Electronic identity check
  • Adverse financial check

Annual fee

Subscription Background Checks​

Great for
Those needing ongoing background checks​. Ideal for businesses of any size.


  • Basic, standard and enhanced criminal record checks (DBS, DS and AccessNI)​
  • Employment referencing
  • Credit checks​
  • Identity checks (government approved)
  • Social media checks
  • BPSS
  • Bs7858
  • SMCR

Annual fee

Premium Background Checks​

Great for
Those needing a wide range of checks. Ideal for larger businesses looking to reduce cost and risk.​


  • A wide range of employment checks
  • API integration for your Applicant Tracking System​
  • Access to our consultants to support improvements to your onboarding processes
  • In-person training with our team
  • Dedicated customer relationship manager

Trusted by 1500+ customers including


"The integration process runs very smoothly and has helped us streamline our processes saving us many hours work."

People Service Centre Manager, Skipton Building Society

Get great people in your business seamlessly

Seamless background checking with 27 checks and extensive data sources Restful API for automated references. No manual document collection, just complete digital checks, remotely and with ease.


Speak to an expert about background checks.

Personal DBS check: Unfortunately we're unable to help with your individual DBS check, and you will need to organise with your employer. 

Please click on the link for your country for more information:

England or Wales  |  Scotland  |  Northern Ireland



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