Data management solutions for your business

Take control of your data, improve performance and strengthen customer insights.

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Making the most of your data

Collecting data isn’t an end in itself. It’s the quality, accuracy and range of information you have, how you link it together and what you do with it that counts. Our data management software, tools and services turn raw data into a clear and accurate picture of your customers and their relationship with you. This information helps you make smarter and more profitable decisions across your business.

Woman using a credit card in a shop

How data management drives your business forward

Just 18% of organisations say they understand their customers from every angle. But improving the accuracy of your records, plugging gaps, reducing duplication and blending data from different sources gives you a complete picture. When you understand your customers more completely, you improve relationships, make the most of your partnership and can target similar customers. 

  • Manage risks: Offer the right products to the right customers
  • Improve customer service: Deal with customers as individuals
  • Deliver more effective marketing: Target communications accurately and avoid too many marketing messages
  • Comply with regulations: Fulfil your compliance obligations


Spot data errors and rectify them

Up to date

Monitor your customers’ ability to afford credit as their circumstances change


Boost data quality and fill gaps with data enrichment


Increase the amount of money you collect


Predict changes before they damage your business


Make your data collection more efficient

Would you like to know more?

Key features of our data management solutions

Whether you want to spot and correct errors, eliminate duplication, fill gaps or understand your customers better, our data management software, tools and services will get the job done quickly and easily.

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Get the most out of your data

Maintain accurate and complete records and translate raw data into useful information. Add to your records with external data sets.

  • Access hundreds of data sources to enhance your records
  • Automate form filling to save time and reduce manual entry mistakes
  • Verify that email and postal addresses are accurate and complete
  • Spot and remove duplicate records
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Improve the quality of your customer data

Build a complete picture of your customers. Manage and enhance your data to find more customers. In some cases, our data quality solutions have increased an organisation’s marketable customer base by around 1 million contacts.

  • Migrate data efficiently and rapidly
  • Identify data errors before they damage your business
  • Enhance and validate existing data with extra information
  • Make sure data complies with regulations and prepare for statutory reporting
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Bring together data

Identify 16% more duplicate records than with other data management tools. Link records so you can view all of a customer’s activity in one place.

  • Link records for a single view of each customer 

  • Use Match Key personal identification numbers to bring records for the same person together and avoid duplication

  • Maintain consistent records that help you make confident business decisions

Man tapping a tablet

Rapidly deliver data-based projects

Deliver data-based projects quickly and easily, including data quality, data governance and data migration. 

  • Analyse billions of records rapidly

  • Profile and analyse data from all your systems

  • Discover relationships across all your data

  • Turn analysis into working prototypes 

Learn more about our background checking solutions


Related products

Data Validation

Make sure email addresses are deliverable

Data Breach

Be prepared for data breach challenges

Data Governance

Take control of your data

Data Integration

Make your CRM and ERP investments more effective

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