Prove your employment in seconds with Work Report™

Share your employment and income details digitally to access the right solutions for you.

A young woman applying for a job

Make the move to digital verification and say goodbye to paper payslips

Applying for credit, a mortgage or applying for a new role can be confusing, frustrating and slow. Applications often ask for lots of information you don’t have to hand and without this your application doesn’t go anywhere fast. We understand that your time is precious, and you want to complete an application quickly to access the solutions you need.

This is why Experian has created Work Report™, a quick and simple way to share details securely with the organisations you choose, so you can spend less time searching for information and more time on the things you enjoy.

See Benefits for Employees

What is Work Report™?

Work Report™ is the quick, simple and secure way for you to consent to share your verified employment and income information, in seconds.

Your data is collected directly from your employer, payroll or benefits platform confirming your employment status, employer, tenure and Gross and Net income digitally. Don’t worry we will never share your data with anyone you don’t tell us too, and rest assured your data is always safe, protected using bank-grade encryption. Work Report™ makes applications simpler and quicker so you can spend your time doing the things you enjoy. Take the hassle out of online applications, say goodbye to paper or PDF payslips and access the services or solutions you want, quicker.

The UK’s first digital employment verification service

Say goodbye to searching for and sending PDF and paper payslips

Join the hundreds of people who have already accessed credit through Work Report™

Access services or credit quicker

Our live network of payroll and HR platforms covers 70%+ UK employees




Make the move to digital verification and say goodbye to paper payslips

Discover how Work Report™ can support employers, their employees, lenders, and payroll providers.

I'm an Employer

Lighten your HR team's load and empower your employees to access and share their verified employment information in seconds with Work Report™, enabling them to access the services they want quicker.

I'm a Lender or Broker

Say goodbye to time-consuming, manual sourcing and verification of PDF or paper payslips. Access verified employment and income information in seconds and make better, faster decisions that benefit your customers – and you.

I'm a Payroll Provider

Help employees collect and share their payroll data instantly, driving huge time and cost efficiencies for your customers and a better user journey for theirs.