Are you doing your Right to Work Checks correctly and what does the future look like?

Tuesday 3 October 2023, 10am

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About this webinar

The temporary adjusted Right to Work checks, as part of the response to COVID-19, ended on 30th September 2022. The changes allowed recruiters to conduct Right to work checks face to face, or remotely, however, one year on are employers conducting Right to work checks correctly to obtain a legal statutory excuse, or are they at risk of being penalised through increasing fines?

We know Digitisation is here to stay. But are you doing things right, now or in the future? Don’t put your business at risk of large fines or reputational damage.

Join our webinar on 3 October at 10am where we'll be joined by UK Border Agency and Home Office guest speakers, to look back at the year, discuss your obligations and hear what the future holds for Right to Work checks.

Are you doing your Right to Work Checks correctly and what does the future look like?

Date: Tuesday 3 October 2023

Time: 10am

What will we cover?

Meet the speakers

Image of Alina Howe-Jones

Alina Howe-Jones

Marketing Engagement & Consultancy Director, Experian

Alina is a highly accomplished consultant with over 25 years’ experience within onboarding and background screening; working with many well-respected industry data suppliers including Experian’s own propriety data, to improve screening both in the UK and globally.

Image of John Harrison

John Harrison

Policy Manager, Home Office

John has worked in the Home Office’s Compliant Environment and Enforcement Unit since November 2020, where he has the policy lead for the Right to Work Scheme in the UK. Prior to this, John has undertaken a wide variety of operational roles within Home Office Immigration Enforcement and overseas since he joined the department in 2002’.

Image of Lee Graham

Lee Graham

Engagement Lead, Home Office

Lee Graham works in the Home Office external engagement team, as the Events Lead, covering the Future Borders and Immigrations System including the UK’s Points-Based Immigration System, Reform of the Sponsorship system and the programme to Digitise the UK border.

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