Stay in touch
If your contact information is wrong or out of date, your emails won’t reach your prospects’ inboxes and you’ll be unable to make contact. A product like Experian’s Email Validation helps ensure you’ve got the right information so that your messages can be delivered to both existing customers and potential leads.
Solutions to help stay in touch with customers
Increase your email deliverability and improve your ROI in real-time capture or bulk cleansing.

Improve deliverability rates
Fake or incorrect emails result in bounces, which in turn impacts your reputation as a sender and reduces deliverability. By validating your email lists you’ll keep your bounce rates low and ensure your emails don’t fall foul of anti-spam tools. Experian’s Email Validation goes further, automatically suggesting corrections as emails are entered if they’re invalid.
Solutions for improving delivery rates
Increase your email deliverability and improve your ROI in real-time capture or bulk cleansing.

Prevent unwanted sign-ups
In addition to harming your email deliverability rates, inaccurate, fake and harmful email addresses aren’t credible prospects. Ensuring the contact details you capture are valid means your sales and marketing teams don’t waste time and effort chasing non-existent leads.
Solutions for preventing unwanted sign-ups
Improve your customer contact data with Experian Data Validation solutions.
Data Quality Solutions are the fastest way to capture, standardise, validate, enrich postal addresses, email and phone numbers globally in real-time at the point of data entry.

Streamline your processes
Going through your email address lists manually is both costly and time-consuming. An automated API like Experian’s Email Validation captures and verifies email addresses as they’re entered to ensure you gain genuine, error-free email addresses at the point of first contact. Going forward, you can save more time by making use of a third-party data-auditing service, such as Experian’s Professional Services team, to regularly check and update your lists so they remain complete and accurate.
Solutions to help streamline your processes
Increase your email deliverability and improve your ROI in real-time capture or bulk cleansing.
Data cleansing solutions for your business. Reduce financial wastage, improve customer loyalty and boost trust in your data.