Data profiling for your business

Analyse large volumes of information to help you understand your data better and take action.

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Maximise the value of your data

Data profiling. It sounds complicated, but in simple terms, it’s like looking at information under a microscope to understand it completely and make useful discoveries. It’s a process that helps you use your data to its maximum potential. We understand your business is inundated with information from many sources, so profiling data can be a challenge. That’s where our ground-breaking data profiling solutions make all the difference. What’s more, they’re faster than other solutions available and require minimal training. Our solutions help you spot data problems and work out how to solve them. And they help you put your discoveries into practice to make your business more efficient and profitable, and your customers more satisfied.

Colleagues looking at data

The benefits of data profiling

Our data profiling software, tools and services analyse large volumes of information and generate reports. This helps you understand your data better and take action where necessary, to correct errors.

  • Troubleshoot problems: Spot and prevent data errors, such as formatting mistakes, and fix problems before they damage your business
  • Improve efficiency: Discover valuable information to make your business more efficient, for instance, ways to streamline deliveries and better target marketing campaigns
  • Save time: Analyse vast amounts of information fast, with no need for time-consuming batch processing

Discover relationships

Spot links between different sets of data

Detect problems

Automatically spot thousands of different data quality problems

Data prototyping

Build working models to better manage data

Improve efficiencies

Make your operations more effective and profitable

Thorough profiling

Analyse all the data you hold across your business

Increase satisfaction

Make customers happier by reducing data errors

Would you like to know more?

Key Features of our Data Profiling Solutions

Did you know over three quarters of businesses believe inaccurate data makes it difficult to deliver an excellent customer experience? Storing data sets separately also gets in the way of understanding customers completely. Our data profiling tools help you meet these challenges, and more.

Woman working on laptop

Spot and fix errors

Identify and correct mistakes, standardise and manage records, fill gaps and add to your own data to get the most out of the information you hold.

  • Identify and correct mistakes in postal, email and telephone records
  • Spot duplicate records to avoid contacting the same customers multiple times 
  • Enhance your records with extra data to understand your customers better
Man working on laptop

Manage your data better

Make your data more trustworthy in a matter of minutes. Format data as it flows in from different sources for instant results.

  • Quickly and easily analyse your data to spot problems
  • Manage customer data projects easily and with minimal training 
  • Spot data quality problems before they damage your business
  • Comply with data regulations and prepare for statutory reporting
Woman making notes with laptop

Unlock your data’s potential

Just over 18% of organisations say they have a complete view of their customers. We can help you create a fuller more precise picture, so you can make smarter business decisions.

  • Assess the accuracy of your data and correct it where necessary
  • Fill gaps and improve the quality of your records 
  • Spot and remove duplicate records
  • Link different records for each customer

Find out how our data cleansing solutions can benefit your business


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