Marketing agencies

Gain competitive edge by powering insight-led customer experiences for your clients.

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Better serve your clients with advanced linkage capabilities and scalable cross-channel audiences

Marketing agencies play a critical role in the marketing ecosystem, supporting their clients with strategic direction, insight and efficient media plans to achieve their marketing objectives.

Audience understanding is a fundamental need for agencies. Understanding who your client’s customers and prospects are, how to engage them, and where to reach them is crucial to driving insightful campaign planning and impactful customer experiences.

Yet, media fragmentation and growing signal-loss across the open web, means that data-driven campaign strategy is becoming increasingly challenged. Agencies need new approaches that keep pace with market shifts and help them to keep delivering impactful campaigns that drive client ROI and deepen brand relationships.

Our comprehensive suite of marketing solutions help agencies to understand their client’s customer base, expand their client’s first-party data, and improve campaign measurement through scalable, data-driven audiences.

Addressability and linkage

Our sophisticated ID linkage helps your agency to seamlessly connect and resolve both known and anonymous IDs, to develop an accurate understanding of your client’s customer data and expand this data for increased scale across digital platforms. Intentionally cookieless, our solution helps agencies and their client’s respond to the increasing demise of third-party cookies with a future-facing solution that delivers addressability and scale. We use advanced machine learning algorithms to connect and resolve offline and online signals including UIDs, IP, and email addresses back to a single household, to help your client’s build unified audience profiles for accurate, relevant addressability.

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Solutions for addressability and linkage

Match offline identities to online profiles for digital onboarding.

Consumer Sync

Custom and pre-defined audiences

Agencies act as the bridge between their clients and the complex digital activation ecosystem, orchestrating audience strategy and using their expertise to translate client briefs into optimised media campaigns. Tap into our rich and varied audience segments which leverage accurate demographic, behavioural, transactional and mobility data points to build sophisticated targeting, reach lookalike audiences and improve campaign response rates. Flexible and diverse, we offer predefined audiences, or custom audience segments, where we can create a bespoke group tailored to your specific requirements.

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Syndicated audiences

Our pre-defined audiences use millions of deterministic data points and AI generated models to understand and segment up to 95% of the UK population with powerful insights.

Quick and simple to utilise, our syndicated pre-defined audiences cover demographic and behavioural data and are integrated across a range of leading activation platforms to easily plug into and enhance your client campaigns.

Custom audiences

Our custom audiences are built using a consultative approach and a vast pool of data sources to develop tailor-made accurate audiences which respond to the intricacies of each client brief.

We can spin up topical audiences at speed, in response to a particular occasion or trend to help agencies offer in-the-moment insight to optimise campaign performance, all with seamless activation on a range of industry recognised platforms.

Solutions to help determine audiences

Better understand and engage your audience with accurate insight and activation solutions.

Consumer Insights

Campaign measurement

Agencies are under pressure to demonstrate value for their clients across every campaign. Inconsistent customer data and anonymised, unreachable IDs can make this a challenge. Leverage our demographic and geo-level cohorts to define and measure exposed and non-exposed audiences to your campaign. We can work with you to match and compare these cohorts against client purchase/activity level data, or our dynamic market spend and mobility data, to incrementally track and measure campaign impact. Plus, use our linkage capabilities to connect and resolve offline and online data, facilitating richer measurement and more advanced attribution of sales back to marketing activity.

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Why agencies work with us

We are a trusted partner of marketing agencies across the UK. We use the latest machine-learning techniques and complex modelling to help you understand, resolve, and activate audiences - to give your agency the competitive edge and deliver client value in an ever-evolving industry.

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Our platform partners

Our demographic, behavioural and intent models are used to build rich, scalable audiences which agencies can activate against via a range of industry recognised platforms.

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