Is your business data-ready?

We’ve developed this valuable tool to help you assess where your organisation is on the data maturity journey and identify areas for improvement. The Data Maturity Assessment provides the best practices roadmap to help organisations manage their huge volumes of data effectively. The assessment determines an organisation’s data quality strategy maturity and plots the results on our data quality maturity curve, as well as offers useful reading and advice.

The assessment is simple and quick to complete; helps organisations implement an evolved data strategy and solution to transform their data analytics processes to deliver business insights consistently. Once completed, you will receive your assessment results that provides insight into your organisation’s current level of data and analytics maturity.

The results will provide you with action points to help you define a more coherent data quality strategy. The next steps, Experian's trusted data quality specialists will be in touch to help your organisation understand the appropriate action around how to move forward with your data initiatives.