Data cleansing solutions for your business

Reduce financial wastage, improve customer loyalty and boost trust in your data.

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Care for your data to help your business grow

All of your business assets need loving care so that they don’t let you down.  Equipment needs upkeep to work at full capacity. Staff need support and training to work to the best of their ability. But what about your data?

Data needs to be cared for just like other key business assets. But our research shows 30% of businesses suspect their customer data is inaccurate1. That’s where data cleansing comes in. It’s a bit like housekeeping for your records. As a world leader in data quality software and services, we can help you clean your data regularly or as a one-off job, so it’s correct, complete and not duplicated. But clean data is not an end in itself.

Colleagues discussing data

The benefits of data cleansing

Keeping your data in tip-top condition helps you unlock its value. Clean data saves you time and money, creates new business opportunities and protects your reputation.

  • Improve decision making: Make smarter and quicker business decisions by having accurate and complete data at your fingertips
  • Save time and money: Target marketing at your best customers to maximise returns, minimise losses and reduce waste
  • Better understand your customers: Plug gaps and add to your own data, so you get a complete view of your customers and win new business

Data management

Build an accurate, detailed and consistent picture of your customers

Add to your own data

Enhance your own records with an extensive range of extra data

Correct format

Format and clean your data as it flows in from different sources

Eliminate duplicates

Identify and remove multiple versions of the same record

Email and phone verification

Make sure only up-to-date customer contact details enter your database

Link records

Combine customer data from different sources, so you can view it one place

Would you like to know more?

Key Features of our Data Cleansing Services and Software

Did you know over three quarters of businesses believe inaccurate data makes it difficult to deliver an excellent customer experience? Our data cleansing solutions help detect and rectify errors to help you prevent this from happening.

Checking data

Spot and fix errors

Identify and correct mistakes, standardise and manage records, fill gaps and add to your own data to get the most out of the information you collect.

  • Identify and correct mistakes in postal, email and telephone records
  • Spot duplicate records to avoid contacting the same customers multiple times
  • Enhance your records with extra data to understand your customers better
Managing data

Manage your data better

Make your data trustworthy in a matter of minutes. Format data as it flows in from different sources for instant results.

  • Quickly and easily analyse data to spot problems
  • Manage data projects easily and with minimal training
  • Spot data quality problems before they damage your business
  • Comply with data regulations and prepare for statutory reporting
Discussing data

Unlock your data’s potential

Only 18% of organisations say they have a complete view of their customers3. We can help you create a fuller and more precise picture, which will help you make smarter business decisions.

  • Assess the accuracy of your data and correct it where necessary
  • Fill gaps and improve the quality of your records
  • Spot and remove duplicate records
  • Link different records for each customer
Colleagues discussing data

Trust your data

Identify and sign up the best talent fast, at the touch of a button.

  • Fill in gaps and correct errors
  • Remove contacts who’ve moved, passed away or opted out of receiving communications
  • Improve your data by adding to it from external sources
  • Gain a fuller picture of your customers to target marketing campaigns more effectively

Find out how our data cleansing solutions can benefit your business


Related products

Data Validation products

Make sure your customer email addresses are accurate

Data Breach

Prepare for and recover from security breaches

Data Governance

Stay compliant, reduce costs and limit risks

Data Integration

Make your marketing campaigns more effective

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