UK electric vehicle market insights on cars, people, and location

Experian supports the EV ecosystem, from car manufacturers to lenders, to local authorities and utility providers. Providing insight to find the right customers, in the right place, at the right time.

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We all know that the world of electric vehicles is moving at an incredibly fast pace

Once seen as vehicle of choice for the more affluent but now new middle market brands and used cars are hitting the forecourts making them more affordable for the everyday consumer. The market has moved on from the early technological adopters to the more pragmatic mainstream consumers bringing with it exciting new opportunities.

Our experience and insight in this market is second to none, providing you a view of where the market is right now, how your competition is responding and where EV infrastructure and energy choices are going to help shape the speed and demand of EV uptake.

Automotive Sector

Would you like to know who is buying EVs, and who is likely to be on the journey for purchasing next?

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Energy Sector

EV’s bring both opportunities and the need to manage your consumer's infrastructure.

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Local Authorities

Our insight can help make critical infrastructure decisions.

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A dashboard showing the insights that Experian solutions can provide

Automotive Sector

Would you like to know who is buying EVs, those who are likely to be on the journey for purchasing next and where else they may be looking as they shop around? Also, does your potential customer have a driveway, making the sale more attractive based on home charging potential? Our insight and DVLA linked data can answer all of those challenges and more!


  • Understand the relevant personas to target for EV / Hybrid models
  • Understand competitor insights by persona
  • Plan media budgets and spend to targeted personas

Discover EV Insights for Automotive Sector

Energy Sector

Electric vehicles bring both opportunities and the need to manage your consumer's EV infrastructure. The opportunity to sell electric vehicle tariffs is clearly important but also where will charge demand be? Understanding the location of electric vehicles as well as the potential for a property to have a driveway, plays an important part in making those critical decisions. 


  • Utility location dashboards showing EV adoption and driveway mix
  • Consumer environment attitudes and considerations

Discover EV Insights for Energy Sector
A family in a driveway with a charger plugged into an electric car
A tablet showing a map of the platform

Local Authorities

Perhaps the sector that faces the most daunting challenge in the adoption of electric vehicles. Understanding where electric vehicles are today and where they will be in future combined with the potential need for on street charging will help make those critical EV infrastructure decisions. Our insight will enable you to understand, compare and contrast your position with the UK and all other local authorities as required.

Discover EV Insights for Local Authorities

Let's talk about how Experian can support your EV needs.


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