Assess B2B risks
Having access to a powerful range of credit scores, like those offered by Experian, can help you gauge whether a new commercial applicant can meet a given payment schedule or if a different offer may be required. They are also useful in assessing the level of risk contained in your existing customer portfolio, so that you can manage it more effectively.
Solutions for assessing B2B risks
Make the best credit decision at the point of customer application calculated in real time, delivered through a variety of online systems.
MarketIQ reveals new layers of market understanding, combining Experian's M&A database with comprehensive external data.

Speedy analysis and decisions
When integrated into your systems, business credit scores can speed up applications by identifying the riskiest customers. Smart algorithms can also predict business failures, insolvencies, arrears and defaults that are likely to occur over the coming 12 months. This frees up resources to focus on proactively responding to potential problems.
Solutions for speedy analysis and decisions
Make the best credit decision at the point of customer application calculated in real time, delivered through a variety of online systems.
Bring together multiple data sources into a single, consolidated view of a customer that helps reduce risk, increase revenue, and create competitive advantage.

Commercial compliance risks
It’s important to track changes to the businesses in your portfolio to avoid exposure to financial crime. Compliance solutions, like Experian’s Compliance IQ, can spot new risks as they arise, even in complex corporate structures. They also help you establish a company risk policy and stay compliant with anti-money laundering and anti-fraud regulations.
Solutions to help spot commercial compliance risks
Make the best credit decision at the point of customer application calculated in real time, delivered through a variety of online systems.
BusinessIQ reports help you assess the creditworthiness of potential customers, suppliers and existing trade partners.

Quickly seize new opportunities
Detailed insight into your clients’ commercial deals along with their corporate, financial and business circumstances enables you to offer the right products at the right time, and often before your competitors even know there’s an opportunity. Experian’s Market IQ displays all this information in a single interface to simplify the process of gathering and analysing market intel.
Solutions to help quickly seize new opportunities
MarketIQ reveals new layers of market understanding, combining Experian's M&A database with comprehensive external data.
Get confidence in your suppliers and customers no matter with the location with our International Credit Reports. Available in over 230 locations.