Improve your affordability checks
Knowing what you need to know makes the process of bringing in new customers smooth and hassle-free. Using a service like one of Experian’s Affordability Checks gives you access to insights derived from numerous wide-ranging data sets, potentially cutting the number of customers requiring a manual review by up to 30% and increasing acceptance rates by 10%.
Solutions for improving affordability checks
Get quick and easy access to an accurate, personalised view of a customer's income and expenditure from our bureau and Open Banking data with our Affordability Solutions.

Empower your customers
Strong analytics turn a customer database into a rich pool of understanding – but why keep those insights to yourself? Supplying financial analytics directly to consumers can aid them in making better decisions for themselves and help you form a strong relationship built on sound advice. Tools like those available through Experian Consumer Advantage can also supply the data required to strengthen your own processes.
Solutions with financial analytics
Mosaic is a powerful consumer classification system built for today's multi-channel world. Understand your customers' likely characteristics and communicate in the most relevant ways.

Learn from history
Running analytics on historical data can offer insights into a customer’s financial situation beyond their current status. Tracking historical behaviour helps enhance fraud detection and spot previous irregularities, reducing load on underwriters and helping you make more responsible decisions about new accounts.
Solutions with historical analytics data
Mosaic Shopper Segments provides a consumer segmentation bespoke for the retail industry, providing actionable insights on the whole consumer retail experience to improve marketing

Market with confidence
Gaining a clear picture of your potential customers gives your organisation the chance to refine your message to match. Calling on a classification system like Experian’s Mosaic enables you to better understand consumer characteristics, using variables derived from a wide range of data sets and research studies to identify market segments as well as help personalise your communications.
Solutions to help understand customers better
Mosaic is a powerful consumer classification system built for today's multi-channel world. Understand your customers' likely characteristics and communicate in the most relevant ways.

Dive deeper into data
If you really want to do more with analytics on consumer data, a tool like Experian’s Ascend Analytics on Demand can help draw insights out and improve your decision-making process. You’ll be able to access consumer bureau data and compare it with your own, then build the benchmarks and analyses you require to do better business without a massive internal IT infrastructure.
Solutions with a deeper dive into data
Ascend helps you make smarter business decisions. Unlock your advantage, grow your business and serve your customers better with powerful insights made simple.