Economics consultancy
Experian’s dedicated economic consultancy team provides a range of analysis and modelling services. As part of our flexible approach, we not only focus on the contribution of an industry or organisation to the local economy, we also look at the impact of the local economy on your organisation and customer base.
Bespoke Economic Forecasts
Forecasts of the UK economy for specific scenarios tailored to your specific needs.
Assessments of the likely impact of economic scenarios on macroeconomic, local economy, industrial sector or household factors that impact on your business or your portfolio.
Household Economics
Patented approach to socio-economic and geographical insight into household finances with our disaggregated forecasts.
Forecast the key components of household incomes and expenditures by socio-demographic segment to get a forward looking view of affordability and other drivers of customer behaviour.
Custom Economic Modelling
Economic scenarios, impact modelling, sensitivity testing and stochastic forecasts.
Understand how region, city, demographics, industry and sector impact your organisation’s economic growth or the impact of your organisation upon the economy.