You don’t have to fly to earn air miles. Some credit cards reward you with air miles when you spend money on them. Learn how air miles credit cards work and find out how to earn plane tickets and other perks.
You don’t have to fly to earn air miles. Some credit cards reward you with air miles when you spend money on them. Learn how air miles credit cards work and find out how to earn plane tickets and other perks.
An air miles credit card is a type of rewards card. It lets you earn air miles when you spend money on it. Air miles can be exchanged for plane tickets and other travel-related purchases such as upgrades, priority boarding, lounge access, hotel bookings and car hire.
You’ll typically earn air miles whenever you spend money on this type of credit card. Once you’ve collected enough credit card air miles, you can convert them into flights and other travel-related rewards.
You may be able to combine air miles from various cards and schemes. If you don’t have enough air miles for a ticket, some schemes let you use air miles to part-pay for flights. Others may let you purchase more air miles.
Remember, you may be limited to the airlines or schemes that your card provider is partnered with. There are two major air miles schemes in the UK:
Getting an air miles credit card can have plenty of advantages if you’re a frequent traveller. For example, you can often:
Like any credit card, there are some potential disadvantages. These include:
It varies. Airlines and travel companies often have different ideas about how much your air miles are worth. What’s more, the number of air miles they ask for can change over time. It’s also tough to estimate how much you need to spend on your card to earn a certain number of air miles, as it’s not always consistent between different retailers and purchases.
It’s worth reading the terms of your air miles credit card and staying up-to-date with any changes. Also, keep an eye out for promotions and offers that allow you to maximise your air miles earnings.
Want to earn air miles faster and get the most value from them? Here are some tips to consider:
There are several types of credit cards available on the market, each offering their own features and advantages. Before you apply for an air miles credit card, here are a few alternatives to consider instead:
There’s lots to consider whenever you apply for a credit card or switch cards. Here are some things to consider before making any credit card application.
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