Credit card guides

Confused by credit cards? We've got the answers you're looking for.

A person waving a credit card in the air
A person looking at offers on their mobile phone

Need a little more help? Take a look at our credit card FAQs

What is a good credit card APR?

A typical credit card APR is around 23%-25%, but rates can vary hugely for different types of card, and for good or bad credit scores.

Learn more about how APR works Learn more

How much credit can I get?

The lender will decide your credit limit by looking at various factors, such as your income and credit history.

Learn more about credit limits Learn more

How do I switch credit cards?

It can pay to switch to a new card - but make sure things like direct debits on the old card are cancelled.

See our step-by-step guide to switching See our guide

Can switching cards affect your credit score?

Applying for new credit can cause your score to drop slightly. This is normal and any impact will be temporary.

See our step-by-step guide to switching See our guide

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