Stress testing solutions for your business

Analyse how existing and potential customers will cope when faced with unexpected financial stress.

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How to safeguard your business today for tomorrow’s economic uncertainty

Economic change affects everyone in different ways. Some people are resilient during tough times, while others are more susceptible to stresses like unemployment or interest rate increases. Even among consumers with very similar credit scores, their ability and willingness to make repayments can vary widely during an economic downturn. The problem is, traditional credit scoring systems put them all in the same basket. 

This means profitable relationships can be damaged, by reducing credit limits for example, and potentially valuable new customers are kept out of reach by dramatically raising credit score cut-offs. But we have a better way. Our stress testing tools rank customers in order of sensitivity to severe financial stress, even those within the same narrow credit score band. This means you don’t have to use the same broad brush approach for all your customers. That way, you can manage risk more accurately and seize new opportunities with confidence.

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How stress testing can benefit your business

Accurately work out how existing and potential customers will cope when faced with unexpected financial stress. Better prepare for economic disruptions, make smarter business decisions and understand the health of your portfolio.

  • Be prepared: Improve the resilience of your portfolio during tough economic times
  • Reduce risk: Offer the best terms to the most resilient customers
  • Understand: Monitor the financial health of your portfolio at all times


Reduce the impact of economic volatility


Identify resilient customers


Aim the right products at the right customers


Spot customers who are susceptible to severe financial stress


Improve the resilience of your business in tough times

Would you like to know more?

We can help you spot extra risks and opportunities

Our stress testing tools help you manage risk better and make smarter lending decisions. Spot customers who are the most susceptible to risk at times of financial stress and understand how economic change will impact the financial health of your portfolio.

Man business planning

Lower your losses from fraud

A simple and powerful tool to rank customers by their sensitivity to severe financial stress.

  • Customised stress tests
  • Calibration services to incorporate macroeconomic variables in existing models
  • Stress testing and loss forecasting models
  • Fully documented and transparent models and methodologies from an independent source to meet regulatory requirements

View Product Sheet

Learn more about how our stress testing tools can benefit your business


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