What is CUE?
The Claims and Underwriting Exchange (CUE) is a database of incidents reported to insurance companies, by policy holders (as required by their policy terms and conditions) which may or may not give rise to a claim. It holds details of these incidents for six years for Home and Motor claims and an unlimited time for Personal Injury Claims.
CUE Home includes incidents reported against buildings and contents policies issued in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
CUE Motor includes incidents (other than windscreen breakage) reported against private car and motorcycle policies issued in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
CUE Personal Injury includes incidents and industrial illness claims reported against personal and commercial policies issued in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
Why was CUE set up?
The Claims and Underwriting Exchange was established in 1994 to help keep down premiums for honest policyholders by preventing multiple claims fraud and the misrepresentation of claims histories.
In 1999 fraud was estimated to have cost the insurance industry £ 650 millions.
Who participates in CUE?
Information is supplied to the CUE database by insurers, currently representing over 95 % of the household market and 65 % of the motor market. The database was extended to incorporate Personal Injury claims in 2002.
