We help millions of people gain access to essential, everyday services by helping them make the most of their data by Improving financial identities and access to credit, providing credit and financial education and tackling unmanageable debt among vulnerable groups. We define our responsibility as playing an active part in social and economic regeneration in our communities, at a local, national and global level. And we have many motivations for this engagement.
Experian, like all companies, depends on a network of relationships with individuals and other organisations - from suppliers to employees, from local councils to voluntary associations. The way our business behaves affects these relationships and the better our relationships are, the more our business thrives. So involving ourselves in our local communities makes good business sense and is good for society.
Our community focus encapsulates our ambition to use our resources, our people and the unique information and skills that we have as part of our day-to-day business, to identify and develop innovative, effective ways to support our communities across the world.
Find out more about our community involvement activities:
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Values, Money and Me is a new, free financial education resource from Experian to help primary school children explore the world of money within the context of personal and ethical values. Find out more at www.valuesmoneyandme.co.uk.