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Improve your potential
and increase your score

Get expert guidance on how you can improve your score with CreditExpert and you could be eligible for better credit offers

Start your 30 day trial*

New customer only. £14.99 a month after your 30 day trial*

Phone with a credit score of 792Laptop with a credit score of 792
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Your free Statutory Credit Report shows your credit history. Lenders look at this information when deciding whether to give you credit. Please note it doesn't include your credit score, or any other benefits you get with an Experian Free account.

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More than just your credit score and report


CreditLock locked padlock icon

Add an extra layer of protection with CreditLock

Lock your Experian Credit Report in one tap, and help stop fraudsters taking out credit in your name

Personalised help to improve your score

Get handy tips - relevant to you - that will help increase your score and make you eligible for better rates and offers.

Customer support

Our dedicated experts are friendly, knowledgeable and here to help with any queries or concerns.

Protecting against identity fraud

Rest easy knowing that we're keeping an eye out for your personal information at all times and will let you know if there's anything to worry about.

How can CreditExpert benefit you?

How can CreditExpert benefit you?

Understand why you've been turned down for credit

We can help you improve your score so you can be eligible for low-rate credit offers.

Phone screen with an Experian credit report
Phone screen with a credit score of 745

Improve your score, get better rates

Score Builder helps you understand and improve your score.

A clear view of your credit

We give you a breakdown of all your borrowing so you can see exactly what you owe, in one place.

Phone screen with an Experian credit report and mortgage application

Last year, over 800,000 people

improved their Experian Credit Score with CreditExpert

New customer only. £14.99 a month after your 30 day trial*

Start your 30 day trial*

New customer only. £14.99 a month after your 30 day trial*