Experian CrossCore brings together all the data and services you need into a single view via one platform

Offering flexibility and an open API approach, it gives you greater control to manage your risk profile and customer journeys particularly when you need to adapt to changing circumstances.

CrossCore is a smart, open, plug-and-play platform for fraud and identity services.

A best-in-class approach

It delivers a future-proof way to modify strategies quickly, catch fraud faster, improve compliance, and enhance the customer experience. The platform supports a best-in-class approach to managing a portfolio of services that work together in any combination — including Experian solutions, third-party services and client systems — to deliver the level of confidence needed.

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How can I access CrossCore?

We will provide a solution that fits with your budget and requirements, but you can rest assured that our data is collected, compiled and delivered to the highest possible quality.

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The benefits at a glance

Cloud Architecture

Allows for scalability and flexibility

Flexible API

Brings all data and services together through a common access point

Connects any service

Whether it’s Experian’s, our partners’ technologies, or your data – to create a holistic view of the consumer

Single open platform

Where data and services can be quickly and easily added to enable you to adapt to the changing environment

Smart Orchestration

Using multiple data and services that can be called either sequentially or dynamically

Optimise your results through analytics

Help reduce operational overheads and the burdens on IT

Instant seamless experience

For you and your customers

Decisioning capabilities

Empowers you to make the best possible decision and give you confidence in every customer interaction

Get in touch to find out how CrossCore can help your business

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Further reading