Experian’s Commercial Credit Bureau holds added-value data on over two thirds of the active Limited and over 3.25m active Non-limited businesses sourced from a wide range of data sources

  • Public information
  • Mandatory data sharing
  • Voluntary data sharing
  • Consumer Credit data for Directors.

Experian’s Commercial Risk Scores help you identify changes in your customers’ credit behaviour and manage relationships effectively. They let you see details of each customer’s credit use and repayments to make more informed decisions for new and existing customers, whether you’re growing the account or managing risk. Risk scores are a powerful range of credit scores that enables you to quickly assess the risk within your existing portfolio and/or new credit applications.

Our data assets are real game changers

Businesses financial circumstances change all the time, as they open and close accounts, make payments and use credit limits. The wider their business is spread, the harder it is to get a true picture of their financial behaviour. Detailed information about each individual business means better decision making, whether you’re assessing credit worthiness and risk or marketing a new product or service. By getting continual updates on a customer’s financial wellbeing, you can ensure you treat them appropriately and fairly at all times, allowing you to make the best credit decision at the point of customer application.

Together our data assets are real game changers in credit automation helping lenders streamline their decision processes. Experian not only provides public data but invests heavily in our unique data assets, namely our voluntary CAIS and Payment Performance schemes, supported by mandatory CCDS data (bank CATO and CAIS data).

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With fresh, up-to-date credit data on over 5 million active businesses, Experian offers deep insights and a unique view on how they are performing. Benefit from original thought leadership on the state of small business credit in weekly, monthly and quarterly views.

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How can I access Commercial Risk Scores?

We will provide a solution that fits with your budget and requirements, but you can rest assured that our data is collected, compiled and delivered to the highest possible quality.

Request a consultation

The benefits at a glance

Predict financial health

Predict the financial health of customers

Strengthen your risk strategies

With a deeper understanding of your customers

Maximise the success of marketing campaigns

By targeting customers who are financially robust

Customer management processes

Develop fair and consistent customer management processes

Prioritise resources

Ensuring they focus on the right customers

Minimise the risk of financial losses

By pre-empting some of the issues a failing business could face

Optimise collections strategies

Based on financial strength and immediate risks

Understand the customer’s financial status

Tailor services better and reduce risk to the business

Get in touch to find out how Commercial Risk Scores can help your business

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Further reading