Enhance workforce retention with predictive analytics

Introducing Workforce Analytics for Retention, an innovative solution that uses our in-house predictive modelling technology to strategically analyse your employee data, helping you to make intelligent decisions on the future of your workforce.

Unlock workforce retention with Experian analytics

How can we help?

We understand that your employees are your most important asset, but in today’s competitive recruitment market the demand for top talent is ever more prevalent.

To stay ahead of the competition and achieve your business goals, you need to ensure you are retaining your employees, and reducing the high costs of employee churn – but making the right decisions on the future of your workforce can be tricky. Visualised in a simple to use online portal, Experian Workforce Analytics for Retention enables organisations to truly understand their employee population. Allowing the right HR strategy to be implemented at an overall macro, team and individual level.

How can I access Workforce Analytics for Staff Retention?

We will provide a solution that fits with your budget and requirements, but you can rest assured that our data is collected, compiled and delivered to the highest possible quality.

Request a consultation

The benefits at a glance


Retain talent

Data driven

Make data driven decisions

Lower costs

Lower attritian rates means lower costs

Happy workforce

A happy workforce leads to a happy business

Employee insights

Interactive online platform providing a truly unique view of your employees and highlighting those at risk of leaving

Strategic insights

Develop data driven HR strategies

Get in touch to find out how Workforce Analytics for Staff Retention can help your business

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