Millions of people have support needs
Like reading letters in large font, getting statements in Braille, being given more time to complete tasks, or using a British Sign Language interpreter. An estimated 27 million consumers in the UK are identified as having a support need but just 2%* have shared that need with the financial institutions they use regularly.
Support Hub delivers a single portal for consumers to share support needs and information to multiple organisations in one simple process.
*FCA and Capital One research
Benefit to consumers
Support Hub is a consumer-facing solution that allows consumers to share their support needs to multiple organisations in a consented, transparent and standardised manner. Following deep research, rigorous testing, guidance from industry and vulnerability experts including the Disability and Accessibility Centre and most importantly from listening to people with lived experiences of a support need.
By 2030, our aim is to help 7 million consumers connect to over 200 organisations to get the support they need.
Underpinned by the Support List
The Support List is a community driven, open-sourced website which aims to improve accessibility for disabled people and those with support needs when dealing with businesses and other organisations. The purpose is to capture the requirements of those with support needs. Find out how you can get involved and share your feedback on the Support List.
Latest news
Vulnerability Voices is our hub for industry and product knowledge on vulnerability support. We bring together industry news from different sectors, as well as sharing the stories of lived experience consumers and service providers who are leading the industry in supporting vulnerable consumers.
Download the product sheet
The benefits at a glance
Empower your organisation as a customer champion
Understand your customer’s circumstances with information directly from them
Build a multi-channel support strategy
Supplement your existing support strategy to design more inclusive products, processes and experiences
Proactively manage customer circumstances
Drive better outcomes, ranging from improved inclusion, customer experience and financial management
Benchmark support
Benchmark your organisation’s support offering against what consumers are asking for
Collaborate with leading organisations
Across different sectors to help define how consumers should be supported and learn from your peers
Align with regulatory requirements
Including the Equalities Act and Consumer Duty
Get in touch to find out how Support Hub can help your business
Frequently asked questions
Our quantitative research of 1,400 customers, completed in 2022 with Revealing Reality, told us that: – 85% of vulnerable consumers have not shared their support needs with banks or building societies. This is even higher for telecoms (90%), credit card providers (91%) and pension providers (92%). – Over a third (36%) of vulnerable consumers that did not share their support need, did not because they did not know what was offered by organisations. – 70% of the consumers that do share, the vast majority are satisfied with the support they receive.
Anyone can request support by visiting