
Mule Analytics, a bespoke analytics service, examines customer’s propensity of being a Money Mule by combining bureau data with your own transactional and KYC profiles. The machine learning model is built by linking and deriving unique patterns in the way mules typically repay their credit and use their current accounts, combined with your own internal data.

Our solution uses the latest data and advanced AI to detect money mule activity quickly

The co-created Mule Score will help financial organisations avoid onboarding suspicious accounts at the point of opening, reduce fraud losses and operational costs from reimbursement, help prevent financial crime during the customer lifecycle and support consumers who are at risk.

To onboard new customers the solution will be delivered via our CrossCore platform and will assess their potential for becoming a mule before they have even opened an account with you. For our in-life solution this will be done via offline batch where there will be no requirement to send us any data, we will run your back book on a regular basis – allowing you to see how your current customers accounts are developing and allow you to check those who might have previously been low risk but no need to be reviewed and action taken.

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  • Cloud based
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The benefits at a glance

Avoid onboarding money mules and detect in life cases

Comply with regulatory requirements

Reduce scam reimbursement losses caused by mule activity and avoid unnecessary operational cost of victim case management

Protect and maintain your brand reputation in the market

Consumer duty - Support your customers at risk of financial loss and distress

Frequently asked questions

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Further reading