Explore how data governance transforms healthcare operations, ensuring better patient outcomes, compliance, and efficiency

The healthcare industry is currently amid a breathtaking digital transformation. According to Future Management Insights Inc.[1], the global digital transformation in the healthcare market was estimated at US$ 65.2 billion last year, with the market projected to reach US$253.6 billion by 2033.

However, this widespread investment in digital transformation demands robust data governance, to manage the usability of the valuable and private healthcare data that so many enterprises in the industry depend upon.

Featuring insights from our survey of over 250 data governance decision makers and influencers in the UK and Ireland, this article will break down why data governance is important to the healthcare industry and outline key data governance benefits and strategies.

Why is data governance important?

Data governance safeguards the quality of data by ensuring it is accurate, complete, and reliable. It forms an extra layer of protection against potential errors and supports an organisation’s overall operational efficiency. Also, standardising a company’s data management practices helps to reduce problems with data analysis.

Within healthcare, data governance involves looking at the entire lifecycle of patient data, from its collection and storage to its analysis and use, allowing a better connection between patients, providers, insurers, and other professionals.

The current state of data governance in healthcare

According to our survey, only 15% of organisations think data governance efforts are fully meeting expectations and delivering the outcomes they need. The first barrier preventing organisations from achieving their full potential is data silos. Healthcare organisations often have fragmented data storage systems, leading to inefficiencies and difficulties in accessing comprehensive patient information.

Then, there’s the inconsistent quality of current healthcare data. Variability in data accuracy and reliability can hinder effective patient care and operational decision-making. Thus, modern data governance is charged with assessing the accuracy and utility of huge volumes of information.

Last is the industry-wide lack of standardised protocols regarding data use and storage. The many practices and departments in the healthcare industry all store and handle their data in different ways. This can lead to inconsistencies and errors in data management — causing more headaches for healthcare providers and patients alike.

Key benefits of data governance in healthcare

One of the biggest benefits of data governance is the improvement it delivers to offering a better standard of patient care. It ensures accurate and timely access to patient data, leading to better diagnoses and treatment plans. Our survey shows that 45% of NHS workers, and 38% of private healthcare workers, feel that data governance provides more reliable data.

Furthermore, by standardising data practices, data governance reduces administrative burdens across the healthcare network, streamlining bureaucracy and accelerating care delivery across the board.

Strategies for implementing effective data governance in healthcare

So, how can healthcare organisations actually begin to embed data governance policies into their operations?

Stakeholder engagement

First, engage your IT department, clinical staff, and management in data governance initiatives to ensure policies are practical and adhered to across the organisation. Establish a data governance steering committee to oversee data governance policy implementation and ongoing management.

Technology and tools

Next, try to utilise a comprehensive data management platform such as Experian’s Aperture Data Studio. Investing in high-quality tooling and working with experienced partners can enhance data quality and operational efficiency.

Training and awareness

Lastly, try to implement ongoing training programs to ensure all staff understand and follow data governance policies. Conduct regular workshops and provide resources to keep staff updated on best practices and regulatory changes, to continually refine and build upon their experience handling data.

The future of data governance in healthcare

97% of those we interviewed suggested they will be investing in and improving their data governance approaches in the next two years.

We can predict that the budgets set aside for data governance purposes will increase. According to our survey results, 49% of private sector respondents stated that they expect their budget to increase to facilitate data governance. Compared to 35% in the NHS.

We also predict that robust data governance can serve as a way of granting healthcare organisations a more competitive edge, by enabling better patient outcomes and more efficient services.

Data has the power to radically transform the way we deliver care, but only if we wield that power responsibly and intelligently. Data governance is how we control the vast store of information we have access to while also enhancing operational efficiency and improving outcomes. That’s why it’s imperative to seize the initiative and invest in data governance now.


How can we help?

Our Aperture Governance Studio is a highly intuitive data governance solution suitable for all industries. It’s quick and easy to implement, providing clarity and insight into the Healthcare sector. Featuring a simple user-friendly interface, it makes data comprehensible to users at all levels, regardless of their technical expertise.

Connect with our data governance expert to see how data governance transforms healthcare operations, ensuring better patient outcomes, compliance, and efficiency.

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