Conducting DBS checks for your employees doesn’t need to be daunting

We’ve been supporting employers for decades and want to share our insights and experience to help you through the process.

DBS checks, and actioning them, are a balance between transparency, safety, and compliance,” remarks HRDi Background Checking Consultant Alina Howe-Jones. “They’re not just procedural hurdles. They’re fundamental to the way we value and maintain trust in the workplace.”

Our comprehensive guide gives you the answers you need from experts you trust, so you can perform candidate and employee checks with confidence and ease.

What is a DBS check?

A DBS (Disclosure Barring Service) check is a way for employers to check a candidate/employee’s criminal record to help them decide whether they are suitable and safe for a role. In simple terms, a DBS check is a process used in England and Wales, to identify relevant offences spent and/or unspent in an individual’s criminal record. The depth of the check will vary depending on the role, but the four main DBS checks are Basic, Standard, Enhanced and Enhanced with Barred List(s).

What is a DBS check?

A DBS check is a way for employers to check a candidate/employee’s criminal record to help them decide whether they are suitable and safe for a role. In simple terms, a DBS check is a process used in England and Wales, to identify relevant offences spent and/or unspent in an individual’s criminal record.

Although they are now requested from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), until 2012, they were carried out by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB), which is why they are sometimes called ‘CRB checks’.

If the candidate is going to be working in Scotland, you’ll need to use Disclosure Scotland (DS) for a criminal record check. For candidates working in Northern Ireland, you will need to use Access Northern Ireland (Access NI). No matter which service you use, the check will show convictions from the relevant Police National Computer record or local constabulary located within the UK.

The four DBS check types

There are four main check levels:

  • Basic
  • Standard
  • Enhanced
  • Enhanced with Barred Lists (DBS), PVA Check (DS)

A Basic check highlights unspent convictions and conditional cautions, and employers can carry this out for any kind of role.

A Standard check flags any spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands and final warnings.

An Enhanced check is a more thorough check of someone’s criminal record history: it includes all the details of a Standard check, as well as information from local police that’s considered relevant to the role.

A higher level of Enhanced DBS check, known as an Enhanced check with Barred Lists, which shows the same as an enhanced check, plus whether the applicant is on the list of people barred from doing the role.

Convictions become ‘spent’ following a rehabilitation period. This period varies depending on the recorded conviction, but the government provides a useful breakdown of rehabilitation periods[1] if you want to know more.

N.B. There are different rehabilitation periods for England & Wales, than those for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Who should have an Enhanced DBS check?

Not all positions are eligible for an Enhanced DBS check. These checks are compulsory for people hoping to work with children and vulnerable adults. This is because the check aims to make sure that people who pose risks to these groups are identified and prevented from taking on these roles.

It is also possible to carry out an Enhanced check on applicants for other purposes, such as taxi licences or roles in the Gambling Commission. The DBS has strict eligibility criteria and guidance can be found here on who can have an enhanced check.

Or you can find out what type of check is required using the DBS Eligibility tool[2].

What is a DBS certificate?

The results of the candidate’s DBS check are reported on a DBS certificate which is sent to the candidate. Depending on the kind of DBS requested (Basic, Standard or Enhanced), the certificate will show varying levels of detail.

As an employer, candidates need to give you access to view their Basic DBS certificate online. You can request standalone consent, where you can view the certificate once, or auto consent, where you can view the certificate multiple times until a date specified by the candidate.

How long does a DBS check take?

A DBS check can take between 1-14 days. This is the same for Basic, Standard and Enhanced checks.

How long does a DBS check take?

A DBS check can take between 1-14 days. This is the same for Basic, Standard and Enhanced checks. It can take longer if any of the details on the application form are incorrect, or if more than one police force needs to be involved.

It can take longer if any of the details on the application form are incorrect, or if more than one police force needs to be involved.

There’s no way to speed up the process, but you can track it online using the online account service[3] for Basic DBS checks, and the DBS tracking service[4] for Standard or Enhanced checks.

Tracking DBS checks manually this way can be time consuming and tedious if you are hiring multiple candidates.

This is why many organisations choose solutions like our Candidate Verifier. Our digital platform keeps you updated at every stage of a candidate’s application process, so you can easily manage your candidates DBS checks.

When to repeat a check

A DBS check has no official expiry date. Any information included will be accurate at the time the check was carried out. It’s up to you to decide when a new check is needed.

If the applicant has signed up for the DBS update service you can check whether their certificate is up to date online.

How long does a DBS check last?

DBS checks don’t expire – you choose when a fresh check is required for a candidate or employee. You can verify whether their certificate is up to date online if they have subscribed to the DBS Update Service[5].

Depending on the role, you may be required to conduct DBS checks on a regular basis for safeguarding. You’ll also need to request a new DBS if their existing certificate does not meet the required detail (e.g, they have an existing Basic DBS, but the role requires an Enhanced certificate.

Our background checking service makes it easy to order and manage DBS certificates, so you can get it right first time. You can seamlessly review issue dates and keep on top of screening employees with our online platform and our employment check reports.

How much is a DBS check?

The cost of a DBS check varies depending on the type of check.

Check typeCost
Enhanced (with or without Barring List)~£38-£60
Update ServiceFrom £13 per year

We always provide free Standard and Enhanced checks for volunteers.

How to get a DBS check

The process for getting a criminal record check depends on the type you need.

Individuals can apply for a Basic check online[6]. Employers can request a Basic DBS on behalf of an employee or candidate, however you’ll need to choose a company like us that are a DBS Responsible Organisation and can process Basic checks. A Responsible Organisation is an organisation that has registered with DBS to submit applications for Basic DBS checks.

Standard and Enhanced checks can only be requested by employers, through a Registered Body. A Registered Body is an organisation that has registered with DBS to submit Standard, Enhanced and Enhanced with Barred Lists DBS check applications. However, a Responsible Organisation such as Experian can help you to seamlessly request any DBS check type for your candidates.

Once you know what type of check is needed for your candidate, our ordering process is simple:

  1. Create an employment case on our online platform and select what DBS check you want to order.
  2. Our platform automatically sends an application form to the candidate to complete.
  3. The candidate completes the application and uploads the relevant documents onto our platform.
  4. We send the completed form to DBS to order the DBS check on behalf of you.

Your employee or candidate will receive their certificate in the post. You need to be shown the certificate so you can make sure it’s genuine.

When you choose Experian for your employee checks, you’ll benefit from real-time application updates, so you can track the status of DBS checks. And with our Candidate Verifier service, there’s no back-and-forth between you, the candidate and the DBS. Send the candidate a link to an online form, and we will handle the rest.

Documents needed for a DBS check

The candidate will need to provide certain documentation depending on the type of DBS check that will be conducted.

For a Basic Criminal record check the candidate will need to provide a proof of Identity document such as a passport, driving license, or birth certificate and a proof on address document such as a utility bill or bank statement. A list of the suitable documents can be found here.

For Standard and Enhanced checks:

The documents needed for Standard and Enhanced checks are more complicated, and the government breaks down the information you’ll need[7] to provide.

For all check types, the candidates will also need to provide:

  • Their NI number
  • Addresses for the past five years
  • Details of any previous names, such as maiden names

When ordering a DBS check though a Responsible Organisation, it is a DBS requirement that the employer physically sees the candidate’s ID and Address documents before the candidate provides them to the Responsible Organisation.

Prospective employee sharing work documents

We know that this can make the process longer and more difficult, which is why our background checking platform allows for digital identity checking. Digital Identity checking will automatically validate the candidate’s documents using a government certified ID checking solution, meaning so you will not need to physically review identity documents and can enjoy this hassle-free, time-saving service now.

Checking your own criminal record

You can only request a basic check for yourself. If you’re self-employed, an organisation you’re working with can get a standard, enhanced or enhanced with barred lists check for you, where the role is eligible. Childminders can get a check through Ofsted.

Certificates for previous roles

You can accept a certificate that was requested for a previous role but you must:

  • check the applicant’s identity matches the details on the certificate.
  • check the certificate is the right level and type for the role applied for.
  • check to see if anything has changed if the applicant is signed up for the update service.

Does a DBS check affect credit score?

No, a DBS check does not affect an employee’s credit score. No details of criminal convictions are included on credit reports.

What will fail a DBS check?

A DBS check isn’t about passing or failing, but is a disclosure of information. However, there can be certain red flags that may impact an individual’s suitability for a role. Unspent convictions or cautions relevant to the role may mean an applicant is unsuitable to hire.

What does a DBS check actually check?

A DBS check returns details of an individual’s criminal record. Depending on the level of the check, that can include both spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands, and final warnings. An Enhanced DBS check may also include any information held by local police that’s considered relevant to the role. It’s about providing a comprehensive picture of an individual’s criminal background to safeguard your organisation and the people you work with, particularly vulnerable groups.

How can we help?

Candidate verification and background checking doesn’t need to be time consuming.

Get in touch with our award-winning team to find out how our all-in-one solution frees up resource, reduces recruitment costs and gives candidates a seamless experience.

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