Our interactive map can help you build a lending strategy that fits your risk appetite

Today’s lenders face a highly-complex lending landscape, made more challenging by fast-changing business profiles and an unstable economic outlook. Understanding market and customer demographics as they evolve, and in particular tracking the demand for individual commercial credit products across geographical regions, is one way you can ensure that your portfolio is appropriately optimised and fit for market.

Our new interactive geographic lending overview demonstrates how Experian data can help you gain the insight you need to be proactive.

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Harnessing data visualisation for insight

We’ve used credit data to create an interactive tool that visualises lending across the UK, from current accounts and loans to telecoms and utilities. Figures are split by region and compared to the UK average, showing where demand has been highest, and helping you to identify where the best commercial opportunities lie.

Our objective is to provide you with neutral and data-rich resources that enable informed decisions in the realm of commercial lending. Whether you are seeking financial opportunities, conducting research, or exploring lending patterns, our interactive map serves as your impartial guide to the UK’s commercial lending panorama but is just the beginning of your data driven exploration into the UK’s business landscape. Start your journey to unveil the financial pulse of the nation, one click at a time.

How can we help?

We’ve supported UK lenders with robust data and credit analysis for over 30 years. Geography is just one of hundreds of dimensions through which to view the UK commercial credit landscape. Today, the UK’s leading lenders use our Commercial Bureau and consultancy to better understand the market and their businesses.

Want more information?

Sign up for Commercial CAIS Insight Dashboard here to see how you compare with the average in your area and age range.

Experian’s Commercial Credit Bureau is a market-leading source of information on UK businesses and their financial health.

This is just an example of the insight we can offer. Speak to us to find out how we can help you based on your circumstances.

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